FAQ Import

How to easily bulk import Intents with quick answers:

With Clustaar, you are only a few clicks away from the import of your FAQ.

Go to the Setup AI section in the left menu.

There, click on the “Create an Intent” button:

When the module opens, select “Import Intents”:

Then, click the “Upload CSV file” button to choose a file from your computer:

Wait a few minutes, and you’re done!

CSV file constraints

Your CSV file must have at least two columns:


But you can add as many “Question” columns as you want. They will be used as different formulations for your Intent:


Be sure to use commas as separators, and check that the commas in your text are separated properly:

Answer,Question,Question,Question,Question<em>"our, pricing, is, great"</em>,<em>"what is your pricing"</em>,<em>"how much is it?"</em>,<em>"is it expensive?"</em>

You can have a different number of questions from one row to another:

Answer,Question,Question<em>"our pricing is great"</em>,<em>"what is your pricing"</em>,<em>"how much is it?"</em><em>"Try again"</em>,<em>"I can't connect to my account..."</em>

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