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  3. “Send Text” Action With Session Value
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  3. “Send Text” Action With Session Value

“Send Text” Action With Session Value


Imagine that you asked a user for his or her name and email address, and you want to use this information in your message. Or simply reuse the user input in a message. This is exactly what the “Send Text” Action does.

Note : If you want to know more about how to store values in Sessions, take a look at this article.


For this demo, we have the following scenario:

  • User is asked for his or her name and the information is stored in a session value named “Name”
  • Then the user is asked for an email address (and the information is stored in a session value named “email”)
  • Lastly, the chatbot sends a “thank you” message


In order to use a session value, you can use the following syntax:

  • {{@message}} to reuse the user’s last message
  • {{@session.[session_name]}} to reuse the [session_name] value. For example : {{@session.email}} 

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