Change the position of the widget
In some cases, the default widget position won’t fit your needs. Please do not panic, as there is a solution for that 😉
Inside the window.clustaarSettings object, you can add a position object.
position : { bottom: 10, right: 20}
These are the default values we use, but you can change them. You can even change the side, using left instead of right.
A full example could be:
window.clustaarSettings = { bot_id: '558484dfgdfg7484dfg2144', bot_token: 'eyJ2YWx1ZSI6InJWb2VZVkhDcWdHVElJS1VoZ0J5bXNYN2JsRW5UVk50WFY5d0NFM1lPNWMiLCJzdWJqZWN0Ijp7InR5cGUiOiJib3QiLCJpZCI6IjViMWU5ODMwNzEzYjhhMDA1YjNjNjRkOSJ9fQ==',position : { bottom: 10, right: 20} };
You can now move the widget wherever you want on your website 🙂
Change your widget dimensions
You might want to adapt widget dimensions to your needs. Fortunately, it is very easy to adapt width / height of the widget!
Warning #1: by changing widget dimensions you could break some layouts; please test your changes to validate them!
Warning #2: widget is responsive by default, but if you force width or height responsiveness will be deactivated.
Inside the window.clustaarSettings object, you can add a height and width attributes:
height: 550, width: 372
A full example could be:
window.clustaarSettings = { bot_id: '558484dfgdfg7484dfg2144', bot_token: 'eyJ2YWx1ZSI6InJWb2VZVkhDcWdHVElJS1VoZ0J5bXNYN2JsRW5UVk50WFY5d0NFM1lPNWMiLCJzdWJqZWN0Ijp7InR5cGUiOiJib3QiLCJpZCI6IjViMWU5ODMwNzEzYjhhMDA1YjNjNjRkOSJ9fQ==', height: 550, width: 372 };
Here you are, with a perfectly tuned widget!