In Clustaar platform
To connect your bot to iAdvize, you need to choose iAdvize channel in the channels of your app.
To do this, click “iAdvize” in “Channels” tab:

iAdvize configuration panel opens:
It contains 2 fields:
Website(s) ID(s)
This ID can be directly recovered in iAdvize platform. To do this, click your logo and then ‘Projects’:

Then, click the ‘edit’ button for the concerned project:

Your project details opens. Click ‘Code to insert’:

Your website ID is accessible in the ‘principal tag’ section. In fact, you must take the four last numbers of ‘idz.src’ and add them to ‘ha-‘.

In this example, our website ID is ha-6762.
Now go back to Clustaar platform, fill the 2 fields and once this is done, you can click ‘Activate’ to activate iAdvize integration with your bot.

You’ve done the Clustaar configuration! Now let’s move on iAdvize configuration.
In iAdvize
Select ‘Clustaar’ as your App
Go in ‘App’ menu and select ‘Setup’ for ‘Clustaar Conversational AI’ app.
Then select “Next” for all the 3 following steps.

Once this is done, you need to create a new user of ‘Bot’ type in the ‘Team’ section of iAdvize with:
- A name and a pseudo of your choice
- ‘Clustaar Conversational AI’ in ‘Select a type of bot’.
- Your bot name in ‘Select a scenario from iAdvize Bot”.
- ‘Communication’ and ‘Expertise’ fields with the options of your choice
- Do not forget to set your bot language in ‘Location’.
You’re now ready to build a powerful integration between iAdvize and Clustaar and consequently ensure that all your user queries will be correctly answered!